Rose Mary Crawford

Honoring Rose Mary Crawford - Sweet Sleep

Rose Mary Crawford March 5, 1933 to January 15, 2021

SWEET SLEEP, is a movie that Rose Mary and I made in 2000 with the Taos Film Initiative, a course in filmmaking created by James Lujan, who presently teaches filmmaking at IAIA in Santa Fe. We learned how to create every aspect of a movie. Rose Mary wrote the screenplay and we both directed. It turned out to be a 54 minute film which was later shown at Taos Community Auditorium.

You will recognize many of our Dixonites who were coerced into acting in our film project, and places in Dixon that are no longer here, like Atencio's Store and the old library. The PO used was the original Embudo Station building.

Please add comments below on your memories of this great spirit, Rose Mary.

Hope you enjoy this fun film.

Holly Haas