
Zombies, Aliens, You and Me


An Important Lecture - ©2000 Jim Gilbert
It's Free on Amazon this Saturday (Feb. 15). A fine Valentine's offering, perhaps?

In 2000 when he was 70, your neighbor and mine published a book of quirky, brilliant drawings entitled Common Threads. The softcover book is available along with prints of his drawings and other fine bits of art on his website. I highly encourage everyone to check that out.

Now, Jim has decided to enter the murky waters of epublishing and a modified version of Common Threads is available on Amazon for about $4! The new ebook, Zombie, Alien, Maybe It's Just Us? can be downloaded and read on your Kindle or other e-reader with the correct app. Now if $4 seems a little steep for you, this Saturday you will be able to download the thing for FREE! Jim says:

The drawings were done entirely with dots. The title was changed to interface with the very complex Kindle book marketing - I am very happy about the choice which was the result of three days of brainstorming with Camille, Gulcin and myself as well as a lot of input from Sylvain Labs the marketing planning company that Xahra works for in NY and Xahra's to be, Billy Veseay, who designed the cover. 


Oh, go on.. get a copy of the book in one form or another. It's highly entertaining. And don't forget to visit his website, JimGilbertArtworks.com