Your Community Winery

In a time where many children grow up and try to get away from their small town up-bringing, Jesse and Chris Padberg chose to come home to Dixon and anchor their roots, literally. Jesse and Chris, born 18 months apart, grew up on a farm in Dixon and watched 2 other brothers  in town form a Winery and make it work. With inspiration and schooling underway, Jesse and Chris worked construction jobs to fund their budding dream, the dream of returning to Dixon to open their own winery, Vivac Winery. With a great deal of work ahead of them, Chris transferred from college in New Orleans to UNM. Jesse, having finished school in Boulder settled in Dixon and the pair set the ground work for their future. Continued construction work funded the foundation of wine equipment and grape root stock. Chris' graduation from UNM brought him to Dixon full time and the brothers worked their new vineyard, took out loans and built the Tasting Room themselves. Hard work, determination and more loans, brought the winery dream to fruition. This dream has not been a gift from parents or funded by parents or investors, this winery has been built on the callused hands of 2 brothers bound by determination. Even now as the vineyards expand, the 2 gave up what little time at home they had, for a second job, again in construction to fund the massive under taking. It is with the full time help of their wives and around the clock dedication that the 4 owners have pushed this business through hard times and are now receiving National fan fare.

It is with great appreciation to all of Dixon, that we continue to keep our doors open and the dream alive. Thank you!